What are rats biggest enemies?

In urban housing, the rat's main enemy is the human being. Although some cultures revere rats, these rodents are better known for their destructive behaviors. While some cultures revere rats, these rodents are better known for their destructive behaviors and their ability to transmit deadly diseases to humans. Therefore, the extermination of rat populations is extremely important.

Effective extermination plans may include the use of exclusions, baits, traps, and professionally managed techniques. Hunting other animals can also be more difficult, so in areas close to people where there is enough food that can be collected, rats tend to focus their diet on what they can pick up and may only prey on other animals in an opportunistic way. Rats that kill mice One of the interesting aspects of the rat diet is that they can hunt smaller mice and rodents when the opportunity presents itself, and this particular type of killing is known as muricide. Males sometimes fight when they meet, although it's also quite common for rats to become too dominant in the food chain and there isn't enough food, and start killing each other when the opportunity presents itself.

In addition to being able to kill a variety of different species, rats can also hunt young animals and eggs, all depending on what's available. The tendency to kill mice has been reflected in the evolution of mice, since they have a natural instinct to flee when they perceive the smell of rat urine, mainly to prevent them from becoming prey for the rat. Owls are especially formidable predators, since their nocturnal behavior makes them more active when rats go out looking for food. Animals: Some rats can kill Rats eat and consume all kinds of animals from their environment, and this can include small mammals, birds, lizards and fish, because there are some species of rats that are semiaquatic and hunt most of the time in the water.

Carter Spino
Carter Spino

Devoted zombie junkie. Wannabe music expert. Hardcore student. Wannabe web scholar. Extreme twitter scholar.